Hopefully this site gives you both a feel and flavor for what we are about as a church. In a world that’s fast paced and full of commitments, we’re hoping to create space for people to experience community at Trinity. We want to share the great news of a God who’s acted on our behalf for us, not some god who’s mad or angry or distant. We exist to make a difference in the community and want to partner with others to this majestic place of Marin County a better place for all of us to live, work, and play in.
So click around. Be sure to check our FACEBOOK PAGE for the most active content of new things happening and coming up.
Probably the best way to understand our beliefs as a congregation is to look at our logo.
The UP arrow focuses on our relationship with Jesus, the primary reason that we exist as a church. Because of Jesus’ daring rescue mission of coming to this earth, giving His life for us on the cross, and being raised from the dead, we can have confidence that God loves us unconditionally and is crazy about us. Can you imagine sacrificing your own child so that the lives of others would be better? We can’t, but that’s the kind of love that God the Father has for you. Knowing this, we seek to Grow UP in Christ and this good news of all that God has done on our behalf.
The IN arrow reminds us of the importance of INtentional Community. In our world today, it’s hard to find true community. Old TV shows like Cheers and Friends struck such a chord years ago because they showed the important of community outside of blood relatives. In our connected world today, we know a lot of information about a lot of people through Facebook and texting, but there’s something special that happens when people spend face to face time together. As a church, we recognize the importance of having those types of relationships that are harder to come by these days.
The OUT arrow recalibrates our thinking beyond ourselves and into the lives of others. Like your favorite hike on Tam or restaurant in The City, it’s easy to keep something you enjoy to yourself so that it doesn’t change too much. We realize as a church we exist to serve and meet the needs of the community, so we’re looking to be a positive influence beyond our campus. We share the good news about God’s Love with those we come into contact with, grateful for all that God has done for us.
We get it. It can be intimidating to walk into a new space without understanding how things work. Hopefully the following information will serve.
Where is the church located?
333 Woodland Avenue in San Rafael
We are a couple blocks south of the Safeway on B Street, a block East of Muffin Mania, and a block West of Davidson Middle School. Albert Park is a block north of the church.
Where should I park?
We have two parking lots, the main one that you’ll see in the area by the street, and an upper parking lot on the left side as you face our property from Woodland Avenue. The upper parking lot is flat for those with mobility needs, but most of the people who attend park in the main lots and walk up the hill to our campus.
What should I wear?
People dress in a variety of ways, but we’re more focused on people being here than the clothes they wear. Some prefer to dress up, others are in shorts and t-shirts. That’s Marin County for you…
Where’s the coffee and snacks?
Usually right outside, front and center as you walk up. Feel free to bring drinks into the worship center or any of the rooms as well.
How do I not stand out?
Immediately make a large donation and we’ll send you the password and secret handshake to fit in right away. Seriously, we won’t put you on the spot or do anything intentionally to make you feel awkward. You’ll likely have a few nice people introduce themselves to you.
What should I expect in a worship service?
Our service is about an hour in length. Someone at the door will share with you a handout, giving you the order of how the worship service will go. All of the music and words are projected onto the screen, so you can always look there. Sometimes we stand, sometimes we sit…the pastor will always clue you in. We’ll read from the Bible, and the pastor will share some thoughts about what we’ve read. We’ll take an offering by passing a plate, but we don’t expect guests to contribute. We will pray for one another, again using words on the screen. Feel free to join right in to singing and speaking the words out loud, or just watch and listen.
What else does your church do besides Sunday stuff?
Lots of different things. Our CALENDAR has all the latest information. Also check out our FACEBOOK PAGE as well.
What are your worship times?
We currently host one service at 10:00am on Sunday mornings. This is a mix of traditional hymns and some modern music elements. More information and details about our worship are HERE.
Wait, you didn’t answer my question!
If you have specific questions, CLICK HERE to connect with our church staff.